Head of State:President Sam Nujoma (1990)
Land Area: 825, 418 km2 land
Population:1,648,270 (1999)
Currency: Namibia Dollar (N$)
Capital city:
Climate: Subtropical
November - April , Winter:
May - October
Languages: Official language: English
Shona & Ndebele are the first languages of 98% of the population
Measures: Metric System
GMT +1 hours (4 April -4 September )
GMT +2 hours (5 September -3 April )
Business Hours:
Private sector
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Government offices: Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday: Government offices are closed but the commercial sector
opens in the morning until 1:00pm.
Public Holidays:
New Year's Day 1 January
Good Friday (varies)
Easter Sunday (varies)
Easter Monday (varies)
Independence Day 21 March
Ascension Day (varies)
Workers' Day 1 May
Cassinga Day 4 May
Africa Day 25 May
Heroes' Day 26 August
Human Rights Day 10 December
Christmas Day 25 December
Family/Boxing Day 26 December