Head of State: President Festus Mogae
Land Area: 582,000 sq. km
Population: 1.6 million (1999)
Currency: Pula
Urbanisation: 46%
Capital city: Gaborone 192,845('98)
Climate: Subtropical
Summer: 19-33°C, Winter: 5-23°C
Languages: Official language: English
Setswana is the national language.
Measures: Metric System
Electric Current: 220 volts
Time: GMT + 2 Hours
Business Hours:
Private sector
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Government offices: Monday - Friday: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday: Government offices are closed but the commercial sector
opens in the morning until 1:00pm.
Public Holidays:
1 January (New Year's Day)
2 January (Public Holiday)
13 April (Good Friday)
14 April (Public Holiday)
16 April (Easter Monday)
1 May (Labour Day)
24 May (Ascension Day)
1 July (Sir Seretse Khama Day)
16 July (President Day)
17 July (Public Holiday)
30 September (Botswana Day)
1 October (Public Holiday)
25 December (Christmas Day)