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The Safari Co. Expeditions
camping in africa
camping in africa
camping equipment and outdoor gear africa
recommended camping equipment for your safari in africa
The Safari Co. has traveled far and wide across Africa, mostly camping along the way. We've come to know just what to take on a camping trip in Africa and the most useful camping equipment to make life easier while on the road and in the bush.
Find helpful info on outdoor gear and accessories, as well as advice on 4x4 vehicles and offroad trailers to explore Africa's incredible wilderness areas! Also see outdoor apparel and trip preparation.
  Camping Equipment - 4x4 Camping Trips into Africa  
camping gear 4x4 trips in africa
Roof top tent
- mattress with duvet
- sheet and pillows
Hand wash basin
Table and table cloth
Cooler boxes
Rechargeable light
Candle holders
Washing line and pegs
Braai tongs
Cooking grill
Gas cooker
Gas bottles x 2
Cooking gloves
Frying pan
Cutlery (knives, forks and spoons)
Crockery (dinner plates, side plates and pudding bowls)
Glasses & coffee mugs
Large fork
Kitchen utensils
- bread knife, chopping knife
- serving spoons
- tin opener, bottle opener
- cheese grater
- scissors
- potato peeler
Washing bowls
- washing up brush
- dish cloths
- pan scrubbers
- tea towels
Read more on 4WD vehicles and offroad trailer preparations in Africa
  Camping Equipment & Outdoor Gear - Hiking, Trekking and Day Walks  
camping gear hiking trekking africa
Hiking backpack and/or day pack
Hiking mattress
Sleeping bag (to match weather)
Water bottle or rehydration pack
Hiking boots
Walking sticks (telescopic type)
Headlamp (with batteries)
Hiking tent
Cooker (with fuel)
Ziplock plastic bags
Cable ties
Hiking Pots x 2
Pocket knife or Multi tool
Thermal blanket
Hiking towel
Small bottle with liquid soap
Matches (waterproof)
Cup or mug
Food containers
GPS or Compass and map
Sun screen
Thermal Clothing (in winter)
Gloves (in winter)
Lip balm (high altitude)
Hat and beanie
Hiking Socks x 2
Rain Coat or Poncho
Rain cover for backpack
Small first aid kit
Quick-dry Clothing
Scarf (in winter)
  Camping Equipment & Outdoor Gear - Adventure Motorcycle Rides  
camping equipment and gear for adventure bike riding africa
Hydration Pack
Tool kit
Puncture repair kit
Hiking tent
Sleeping bag
Stove with fuel
Headlamp (with batteries)
Duct Tape
Ziplock plastic bags
Cable ties
First aid kit
Hiking towel
Small bottle with liquid soap
Matches (waterproof)
Cup or mug
Food containers
Pocket knife
Multi Tool
Thermal Clothing (in winter)
Riding gloves
Lip balm (high altitude)
Hat and beanie
Hiking Socks x 2
Riding Jacket
Kidney belt
Riding Pants
Slops/Flip flops
Scarf (in winter)
Hiking mattress

  Outdoor Apparel and Footwear  
outdoor clothing and gear africa
Summer Winter
Quick dry shirts
Quick dry zip-off trousers
Cargo pants
Cotton socks
Swimming shorts
Rainjacket (Goretex)
Wide rim hat
Cotton shirts - long sleeves
Sleeveless fleece jacket
Slops or Sandals
Hydration backpack
Thermal Clothing
Hiking Socks x 2
Hiking Boots
Windproof jacket with fleece inner
All-weather jacket
Read more on Outdoor Apparel, Clothing & Footwear
featured camping gear provider Advertise here

Already established as the premiere expedition vehicle outfitter in Africa, Europe and Australia - Front Runner is a 13 year old South African based company founded by a team of engineers, designers, outdoor enthusiasts and professional off-road drivers.

There isn't a country in Africa we haven't navigated through or camped in. Our combined years of experience in the bush -- dreaming up, designing, building, and testing innovative products -- is the reason Front Runner has quickly grown to become one of the top 4x4 accessory and camping equipment companies in all of Africa.



Camping Equipment and Outdoor Gear
Keeping it fresh: if you find any incorrect or out of date information, please let us know here
our expedition partners - read more about our explorations into africa
  Front Runner Vehicle Outfitters National Luna Gabriel Shock Absorbers Flexopower Solar Energy CASKA Multimedia Systems MAXTRAX Recovery Equipment Metalian Trailers  
  ctek battery management k-way outdoor gear canvas camping gear islandtribe sun protection grant pitcher photography South African National Parks yamaha southern africa  
  Important notice :
The Safari Co. is NOT a booking agent - we provide useful information about Africa Travel and connect you directly with the best travel services in Africa, so that you get the best service at the best price. Deal direct and SAVE.
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Camping Equipment | Camp in Africa | Outdoor Gear and Accessories | Recommended Camping Equipment List