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The Outpost
In the most remote part of Kruger National Park, in a wilderness area previously uninhabited by visitors to the Park lies the vast concession awarded to The Outpost. The Makuleke Region fell outside the borders of Kruger National Park until 1969 when, allegedly for security reasons, they were forcibly removed under the Apartheid laws of the day to allow for the Park to extend to the borders of Mozambique and Zimbabwe. After South Africa returned to democracy in the 1990's, the Makulekes instituted a land claim which culminated in an agreement conferring title of the region to the Makuleke people provided it remains part of the Park and is used only for limited ecotourism. The Outpost is the first lodge to be built in this vast region.

Guests are accommodated in 12 stand-alone en suite rooms that are placed alongside a walkway half way up a hill overlooking the Luvuvhu River. The rooms are essentially of modern design with foldaway glass sides and frontage offering 180-degree views of the Luvuvhu River Valley. The open feel of the rooms is extended into the bathroom where guests are afforded a view which extends as far as Mozambique.



-          Activities:
· Game drives in open game viewing vehicles
· Bird watching
· Guided nature walks

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