In 1989 Gunther Holtorf and his wife decided to travel around Africa in their Mercedes G-wagon for 18 months. Now, 23 years and 800,000km later Gunther is still traveling.
The vehicle is called ‘Otto’. It has taken them to some of the world’s most remote and exotic destinations with only a few flat tyres and minor hassles. Gunther says he has never had a serious breakdown and it’s still going strong.
David Lemke, a Canadian photographer, caught up with him in Hanoi, Vietnam where he joined him for a leg of Gunther’s world-wide journey. Have a look at a few photographs of Gunther’s epic road trip of discovery and adventure.
If you’re planning to explore Africa on your own road trip, be sure to get a vehicle that’s equipped for the task that can handle the rough terrain and harsh conditions. Have a look at Front Runner Vehicle Outfitters for exceptional accessories and equipment made to last.
Gunther, you are our hero!
All images subject to copyright. Photography by Gunther Holtorf and David Lemke.