Ebola. Are You At Risk? Infographic

by Aug 21, 2014Africa Travel, Travel Tips

The below infographic serves to show the size of Africa and that the continent is made up of many independent countries, which has put measures in place to limit the spread of the Ebola virus (similar to countries not situated in Africa). It doesn’t focus on the spread of the virus and how it can be prevented.

The outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa has caused major concern with travelers planning safaris to southern and east Africa. We put together this infographic for travelers, the tourism industry, media partners and travel organizations to help visitors make informed decisions. We also show travelers the sheer size of the continent of Africa, and how they can go on safari with peace of mind.

Please feel free to distribute this graphic to anyone that will find it useful. If you’re in the tourism industry, spread this message far and wide to reduce the impact this outbreak in West Africa has on the travel plans of those wanting to visit Southern and East Africa. Here’s a link to this infographic: Ebola in West Africa. Or download the image below, but we’d like to ask that a link to our website, facebook page or blog will be placed with the graphic when sending it out.

ebola. are you at risk?

Please contact us for any information or questions. Leave a comment below and tell us what your thoughts are regarding this serious subject.