Marius Coetzee captures Africa in a way that makes you want to be there. And every picture has a story. He recently visited Ethiopia and tells this story.

“It was a hot afternoon in Ethiopia’s celebrated Omo Valley when I left the comfort of my room and took the walk to a nearby village. I was hoping to enter the village while the tribe was still relaxing and by spending time with them I might have the opportunity that they would act as normal as possible in my presence. As I entered the village people appeared from everywhere, nobody said a word and as one they all walked to the front and sat down. A couple of girls with heavy bags made out of cow skin walked to the front. The girls slowly unpacked a selection of hand made artifacts and between them smiled nervously at each other. One of the girls caught my attention, as she had a different air about her. She walked with confidence and was clearly a leader among the young girls. She stopped and stared into the distance and gave me the opportunity to pick up my camera, press the shutter and captured a single frame.”

Go to Oryx Photographic Expeditions to see what Marius is up to.

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